These are the rules for the Soul Game Society
No Spamming- Please do not spam the forums. Spamming consists of Triple Posting without obvious cause, repeatedly.
No Flamming or Trolling- Please do not attack other members by racial or religious slurs or provoke an argument. Also do not post on a thread only stating the negative unless it is spam. Contact your local Administrator or Moderator.
Do not impersonate the staff- Impersonating the staff is an automatic 30 ban. There's no need to cause the confusion, not even as a joke.
Concerning Links- Do not post misleading links, or any links you wouldn't say or do without coinciding with other rules for guidelines.
No Pornography or Sexual suggestive Content- No nudes period, automatic permanent BAN.
When In Doubt- If you have to think about it before posting, then it's probably no appropriate.
Minimum Cussing- Do not over use swear words. If you use them to offend someone, you will be warned or banned for 7 days.
Help- If you have any further questions contact your local Mod or Admin.
Please Report Forum Abuse- Please help keep the forums clean, report rule offenders.
No Large Images-Images may not exceed a width of 1020 pixels. You may have a length of however large you like, but it can not exceed 1020 width.
Do Not Create Repeat Threads- You will be warned for repeat threads. If there is further repeat threads I will determine it is spam and ban you for x amount of days.
Last but not Least- Respect the Forums, I(TEG,DJ, Bleach) have the last say. Even over Mods and Admins.
Edited by ThElderGod: Please don't create alternate accounts. Theirs no reason to and it quite easy to see if there's two or more accounts using the same IP address and the less active account will be banned.
New Rules concerning Chatbox- Please do not post pictures in the chatbox. It overloads the server. Also cussing at someone is not tolerated and will caused to be banned from the chatbox for the duration of 3 hrs. And lastly, please no refrences concerning sexual orientation.